1. Current RSSS Employee: Parent/guardian is a current permanent employee with Rowan County Schools. Discretionary Admission is only acceptable within district in which the parent/guardian works. Employment will be verified by the Reassignment Specialist. (Tuition is waived)
2. Childcare: The student’s before or after school childcare providers are in closer proximity to the receiving school.
Childcare issues that result in an approved reassignment for an elementary student should be resolved prior to enrollment at the middle or high school level.
Applications will not be processed, without completed and attached Childcare Verification
3. Medical: Must include medical request packet.
4. Academic: Indicate course(s) with reason.
5. Special Services: In the case of students with disabilities, when the school in which the student is domiciled is not easily accessible or to access specialized services and programming.
6. Anticipated Relocation/Move: Lease agreement or building contract is required.
7. Work Proximity: Parent/guardian’s place of employment is in closer proximity to the receiving school. Verification required. Work proximity issues that result in an approved reassignment for an elementary student must be resolved prior to enrollment at the high school level.