I, the Parent/Legal Guardian named in the previous section, consent to having the VISST Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology Society ("VISST" or the "School") collect personal information that may include but not be limited to my child's identity information, birth certificate, legal guardianship, phone number(s), email address(es), behavioural, academic and health information, report cards, emergency contact information, medical and doctor's information, and any similar information needed for application to and registration at VISST.
I further consent to the use and disclosure of information contained in this form and otherwise collected by or on behalf of VISST (1) for the purpose of assessing suitability for, establishing, maintaining, and terminating my child's enrollment at VISST (2) for additional purposes as may be necessary in connection with my child's application to VISST, and (3) as otherwise provided in VISST's Privacy Policy, a copy of which is publicly available here and on the VISST website. I also consent to the collection, use and disclosure of such personal information by and to agents, contractors and service providers of VISST. I understand that this information is required in order to register my child at VISST and assist the school authority in making an informed decision as to my child's suitability and appropriate placement in the School. It will also allow the School to respond immediately to an emergency. For more information, please contact privacy@visst.ca.
By clicking "I accept" below, I acknowledge my understanding and acceptance of the above, and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of my and my child's information in accordance with this statement.