Each applicant for WES Fellowship or Associate Fellowship is considered on their own merit against the criteria set out in the Articles of Association. The application process is the same for both classes of Fellowship.
Article 13 covers our membership classes and it says that “Upon application, the Directors may appoint to the class of Fellows any woman whom the Directors feel should be recognised for their meritorious achievements in the theory and practice of engineering or related sciences or who are occupying senior professional or management capacity positions in fields associated with engineering or related sciences or who are or have been assisting the Society in the advancement of its work and its aims and objects.”
Article 13.9 further says: “Fellowship of the Society shall be offered automatically to a Director on election to the Board and any Member who is also a fellow of a professional engineering institution or equivalent. Fellowship offered in this manner may be accepted or declined.” Therefore, if the applicant is already a Fellow of a professional engineering institution (PEI), for example the IET or the IMechE, then they can join WES as a Fellow on production of their PEI’s Fellowship credentials.
Fellowship criteria summary
- If the applicant is a Fellow of any professional engineering institution, she is entitled to automatic Fellowship of WES on presentation of supporting documents.
- The applicant does not have to be a WES Member to apply for WES Fellowship.
- International applicants are welcome; however applicants will be advised that WES is a UK-based Society.
- If the applicant is not a female engineer, then Associate Fellowship may be offered as an alternative.
We are going to ask you how you fulfil the requirements above, this can be through ONE or more of the criteria listed (Senior professional/management positions, Meritorious achievements and Assisting WES).
Choose ONE or more of the questions below to answer. Leave any unused boxes blank.