Thank you for your interest in becoming a Course Representative in your College!
Students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences work with College staff to improve the learning and teaching experience in their courses.
Read a full position description before you apply.
There are Course Representative positions in each of the following Courses within the College:
· Archaeology (2 positions)
· Arts (4 positions) POSITIONS FILLED FOR 2025
· Creative Arts (2 positions per specialisation)
· Creative Industries (4 positions)
· Languages (2 positions)
· Media and Communications (2 positions)
· Urban and Regional Planning (2 positions)
There are also positions for the following programs:
· Honours Rep (2 positions)
· Postgraduate (Coursework) Rep (2 positions per Course)
To be eligible for a Course Representative role, you must be enrolled in at least one topic per Semester in the course (undergraduate/honours/postgraduate) you wish to represent.
Students with a variety of experiences and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Course Representatives will be offered training for the role and will also be invited to undertake additional training to participate in committees and working groups, such as the College Student Progress Committee.