Walk of Hope - 2023
ALL OF THE TIME SLOTS ARE CLAIMED FOR TONIGHT! PLEASE EMAIL OFFICE@GRAPHITEBIBLECAMP.COM WITH YOUR GROUP SIZE AND WE WILL TRY TO FIND YOU A GROUP TO JOIN. Register a group of up to 10 people. As the time slots get chosen if none of the remaining times work for your group, please contact the camp via email at office@graphitebiblecamp.com or by phone at 613-338-5622, we may be able to add your group to another small group.
Name of Primary Contact for group
First Name
Last Name
Email address of Primary Contact
Primary Contact Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Group Members Names - We suggest a maximum of 10 people in your group, if you are a large group, try to split up and select 2 time slots. All names are not necessary but it helps us to know who is in which group.
Do you have room for a smaller group to join you? If so please let us know how many more can be added if necessary:
Select Your Date and Time
Should be Empty: