The Honor Code for Glenn J. Kimber Academy outlines the expectations and responsibilities for students and parents, which must be agreed upon and signed before the academic year begins. Here's a summary of the key points:
Memo of Understanding: Parents and students must commit to the spiritual and academic goals of the Academy, with active parental involvement required.
Dress and Grooming Standards: The Academy enforces strict dress codes to promote modesty, cleanliness, and a positive atmosphere. Business casual or “Sunday best” attire is required.
Behavior Standard: Students must adhere to high standards of behavior, including respectful communication, proper classroom conduct, respect for property, and maintaining a drug-free environment. Misconduct may result in disciplinary actions.
Necessary Supplies: Students must bring essential supplies to class, excluding cell phones for academic use.
Curriculum: The curriculum is designed to foster spiritual and academic growth in a positive and patriotic environment.
Attendance, Early Release, and Liability: Parents are responsible for student transportation and must follow protocols for early release or absences.
Meetings: Parents are expected to participate in regular meetings with the Academy to review and plan their child’s progress.
Communication: Parents should promptly address any concerns with the administration to maintain a harmonious environment.
Financial Responsibility: Parents must pay tuition and fees on time, with penalties for late payments. Refunds are generally not provided.
Required Support Hours: Parents that utilize our drop off option are required to contribute 40 support hours or pay a fee to cover the hours. All other families should plan on having at least one parent present during regular hours Tuesday-Thursday.
Visitors: Parents and approved visitors are encouraged to participate in school activities, following the dress and behavior codes.
Terms and Conditions for Providing Contact Information: The Academy will use provided contact details solely for communication purposes, maintaining confidentiality.
Library Book Standards: Books in the Academy's libraries must adhere to values promoting truth, moral lessons, patriotism, and educational content.
This document ensures that all involved are committed to upholding the Academy's standards and fostering a conducive learning environment.