Crew Positions:
We currently have the following positions available:
1. Door Staff.
We need door staff (1-2 people at a time) to run the door between the hours of 6pm and 1am. The plan is to run 2 shifts of 3.5 hours each:
6pm - 9:30pm
9:30pm - 1am
After 1am, we will almost certainly close the door. Anyone arriving after that time will be able to enter for free. At this point they will have missed more than half the event anyway.
To perform this role you will need to have a copy of the door list so that you can tick off patrons who have bought tickets. You will also need to check-in artists and volunteers as they arrive and check-in their plus 1s. All patrons will need to be issued with a wrist band.
In our promotional material, we will state that there are no tickets available on the door and we will also state that directions will only be emailed to ticket holders. However, if there are any patrons mysteriously arriving who have not previously bought a ticket, you will need to try and get them to purchase a ticket. They can pay via cash or they can pay via an electronic form which we will send you. The price will be $50.
Essentially, if you can provide us with a single 3.5 hour shift here then that would be much appreciated.
We would like to note also that being on the door for the 9:30pm - 1am shift means that you may miss some of the peak energy part of the event, so we may give you an early mark if you take on this timeslot.
2. Security.
We are looking to have one or two people per shift provide informal security at our events. The security staff will wear hi-vis vests and will be there to keep an eye on things and raise the alarm if there are any incidents. Security can mostly kick back and enjoy the festivities but will need to stay "somewhat" sober for the duration of their shift. Security will also need to walk around occassionally to check on areas such as the toilets and car park. The plan is to have 2 shifts for the security:
6pm - 12am
12am - 7am
3. First Aid.
If you posses a qualification in First Aid, then you are suitable for this position. Please bring a First Aid kit if you have one. Adam is qualified in First Aid and will also bring a kit but he will be stage managing, possibly performing and also performing other duties, and so it will be important to have one other first aid officer on duty. Given the small size of our events it is possible to do both Security and First Aid at the same time. First Aid shifts are the same as for security:
6pm - 12am
12am - 7am
4. Kitchen and Toilets.
At all of our events we plan to have a kitchen space where we will cook dinner. Food is an important part of the event for punters for safety reasons as well as for nurturance and general well-being. The food may vary from event to event but will typically be things like a BBQ with salads or curries and rice, with vegetarian and vegan options available. This food will need to be prepared beforehand and then served onsite. We will liaise with you about the purchasing of ingredients and we will provide you with cookware and utensils. Next to the kitchen will be a water station which will also need to be maintained, and at some events there will also be fires to look after. We will provide several bins with rubbish bags and the waste will need to be managed.
Finally, different sites will have different toilet situations, but the one thing you can count on is that some toilets will always be there! These toilets need to be checked and cleaned a couple of times over the course of the night. We will provide some electric candles, incense and hand sanitiser for the toilet space, as well as additional toilet paper.
We will need two crew to run the kitchen and toilet spaces.
The Kitchen and Toilet shift is:
6pm to 9:30pm.
We would also appreciate it if a kitchen volunteer could do a second toilet check around midnight, and in general, pick up any rubbish off the ground as it accumulates.
5. Logistics and Transport
Even at this early stage in the evolution of our project it is still the case that we have acquired substantial infrastructure and equipment, and the amount of this equipment is expected to grow still more over the coming months and years. We do not currently have a truck or van to transport all the stuff so we have to fit it into utes, wagons and cars. This means that we need a helping hand or two to transport stuff to and from the event.
If you are someone who is planning on staying for the duration of the event and would like to help out then this may be a good role for you to take on. This role also dovetails nicely with the setup and packup roles below.
6. Setup and Pack Up
We are aiming to be very efficient at setup and packup, with our target being one hour for each. In order to achieve this we need some helping hands to do the work. Setup is usually a bit more challenging than pack-up in terms of complexity, but packup is usually harder to do energy-wise because we are tired from a big night. If you are looking to take on this role you need to be available from mid-afternoon at the latest and then planning on staying on until 7am the next morning.
7. Photographer / Videographer
We realised the other day that although we have already run a number of events, we have actually got very little media from those events. This is something we are looking to rectify! If you would be interested in assisting us with this by coming to our events and taking photos and videos that would be appreciated. We will chat to you about fees, intellectual property rights, etc, and we can come up with a deal.
In General
It is quite possible to work multiple shifts over the course of the event if you wish to do so. We are very appreciative of your help and without it we would struggle to run the event! If you take on more than one role we will compensate you accordingly.
Crew Rewards
All crew will get free entry to the event for themselves and for a plus 1. You also get a free meal for yourself and your plus 1, as well as some free drinks. It's a good way to party for free!