Application Form
Please complete the form below to apply to become a partner with us.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Name of your business
Link to your Instagram/Facebook business page
Email Address
Phone Number
How did you hear about us
Please Select
Social Media
Company Website
Family / Friend
Other? Please Specify
Available Start Date
Please tell us what town you live in
Radius/Distance in KM that your prepared to travel from your postcode
Please tell us the days and times that you would be available to work
What is your average hourly rate?
Please list every single service you offer. Please give as much detail as possible for example instead of listing facials please list all facials that you offer. If you offer makeup, Botox, fillers, fat dissolving or facials please list the products you use as this is the information we will use to add you to our booking system.
How many years have you worked in the industry?
Please tell us why you would like to work with Amarse
Should be Empty: