1. I _____________________ understand that Roller Skating, use of roller skating equipment, and the classes offered by Fresa's Skate Shop LLC, including but not limited to Basic Skating, Street Skating/Outdoor Skating, and Mini Ramp Classes (collectively "Activities") involve inherent risks of injury, including possibly serious injury, or even death or damage to property. I hereby acknowledge that I have been informed of these risks and assume the risks voluntarily.
2. I enter into this waiver and release of liability in consideration of the opportunity to participate in roller skating and/or the classes offered or to use equipment acquired from Fresa's Skate Shop LLC and hereby acknowledge the consideration is adequate.
3. I release Fresa's Skate Shop LLC, including its owners, members, employees and contractors, from all liability for injuries resulting from my participation in Activities and waive any right to sue or otherwise recover damages for such injuries. This release is meant to be interpreted as broadly as possible. Injuries includes bodily injuries, damage to property, and death. This release includes, but is not limited to, a release for liability for negligence including, to the extent allowed by law, for gross negligence.
4. I understand I am responsible for all damages or injuries I cause while participating in Activities or using equipment acquired from Fresa's Skate Shop, LLC. I will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Fresa's Skate Shop LLC and its owners, members, employees, or contractors from any suits or actions brought by any third party for liability, damages, or compensation brought by any third party arising out of my participation in Activities or use of equipment supplied by Fresa's Skate Shop,
5. I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved with the Activities and/or useof equipment. I am aware that the risks include, but are not limited to, bodily injury including sprains, strains, broken bones, or death or damage to equipment. I am aware that use of appropriate safety gear including helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards may reduce but will not eliminate these risks. I have been advised to use appropriate safety gear at all times. I voluntarily assume all risk.
6. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Nevada.
7. This Agreement is fully integrated as to the topics discussed herein and I acknowledge I am not relying on any verbal promises or any prior written assurances
8. This Agreement is meant to be binding upon myself, my agents, heirs, successors, or assignees. 9.In the event of litigation regarding or under this agreement, the prevailing party may recover reasonable attorney's fees and costs of suit.