Declaration of TASCC Member
a. I agree to myself/my child taking part in the Taunton Adventurous Sports and Canoe Club (hereafter referred to as TASCC), having fully read and understood the information supplied.
b. I hereby certify that I/they can swim 50 Meters and that I’m/they're fit to take part in canoe and kayaking activities. I also agree that I, or any other person on my behalf, will not hold TASCC or its members responsible should any harm befall me while participating in club activities.
c. I understand that annual membership of TASCC begins 1st of November and expires on 31st of October. Membership applications and renewals are approved and or rejected solely at the discretion of the club committee.
d. I understand that all paddle sport activities involve a certain degree of risk, some of which could be life threatening. I hereby agree to follow the policies and procedures of safe paddling and personal conduct set out by the club committee and found on our website.
e. I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the canoeing/ kayaking sessions. I therefore authorize the supervisor to sign on my behalf any written form of consent required by hospital authorities, should any delay in obtaining my signature be considered by the said authority as likely to endanger my/ my child’s health. In such circumstances, I understand that every effort shall be made to contact me prior to this action being taken.
f. I confirm that should there be any changes to my personal circumstances that might affect my ability to paddle, or affect my child, that I will contact the Club with the appropriate changes.
g. Rules of safe travel upon the water are the primary concern of TASCC and shall be determined solely by the club committee. By signing below, I agree that my failure to abide completely by these policies will be sufficient grounds for withdrawal of membership of TASCC.
Consent for Photographs/Film Footage
a. Photographs and film footage may be taken during club night sessions. The photographs and film footage may be used publicity material such as press releases, TV and social media (Facebook & Instagram) other social media, newsletters, promotional displays and promotional video.
b. I hereby grant TASCC the absolute right to use images resulting from photography/video footage from the Club night sessions. This includes any reproductions or adaptations of the images for all general publicity purposes.
c. Please check the box to say that you have read, understood and agree with our club code of conduct. This can be found either at our club’s store or on our website.