Dev note:73 slides, 13% conversion ratio all time, 10% this month, 11% this week. Changed Nov 21.
Removed the line "Donations are always optional but they help us expand The Covenant and help more people. "
Getting a job in the game industry feels nearly impossible today.
Entry-level jobs require 3-5 years of experience and a A+ shipped title.
But you need experience to get a job.
The hiring system is broken.
There has to be a better way.
The Covenant empowers overlooked talent to enter the industry.
The Covenant selects talented individuals with great attitudes and pairs them on commercially viable game projects.
We then hire executive-level game veterans to guide them to success.
Our mentors have experience at:
Our mentors have built studios from the ground up and published some of the biggest titles worldwide, including League of Legends.
Mentors for this season include:
Joe Mares - Critical designer for League of Legends
Antony Nizamoglou - Started six companies, published more than 60 games.
Dedicated career and portfolio/résumé mentors.
We empower Covenantors to build the ideal portfolio piece to get them hired.
Of those who paid for The Covenant, were qualified to be hired and remained active for 3 months, 2/3 were offered a paid role in the industry.
The majority are hired by the connections of the mentors themselves.Detailed data >>
Those who get hired like to talk about it on our Discord:
You're tired of wasting time and ready to crush any obstacle to become a successful game developer.
If you:
1) Finish what you start
2) Are highly motivated
3) Dedicated to getting into the game industry
You are probably a good fit.
Anyone can apply.
Don't sell yourself short from imposter syndrome!
There's no harm in applying.
You are not committing to anything--including time commitments.
Our Process
Our processes differ dramatically from individual to individual. However, normally:
Generosity: The willingness to sacrifice to have others succeed.
Integrity: Your word is your bond, and you can be trusted to follow through on commitments you make.
Discipline: You always bring your A-game to everything you do.
We aim to build 12-member teams covering all game development disciplines including:
& more.
Those who make them. Namely, you and those who you choose to work with.If you need help publishing, we may offer to help you with that, but it is optional.
Work in teams of 7-12 on commercial indie games.
The problem with game jams is that, just like general education, you don't get real market experience.
90% of the failure of a game is baked into simple choices that were made at the beginning of the game, like which genre you choose.
We strongly believe in short iteration cycles. We publish quickly to get feedback and only invest more time if the game shows promise with initial players.
That is up to you and your team.
Some Covenanters do a full-time job besides participating. We try to pair people with similar availability.
We are only choosing 7 people to join The Covenant right now.
One person who puts in a bid, will get to join for free.
Here at the Covenant, we offer lifetime access to a service that first provides mentorship for industry entry. After absorbing that mentorship, it transitions to a program connecting you with people of complementary skills and goals to build commercial games.
In detail:
Since our announcement, demand has been high.
We're looking for only a few people who will fit well together.
The assessment will be based on their interests, goals, time zone and the bid you submit.
Thank you!
[P1] is about to break up into multiple distinct organizations, including a Canadian non-profit and a Canadian corporation, and we don't know which part of this The Covenant will belong to at the end of this transformation process. So, we would like to request that we can use your information in whatever combination of corporations we break up into.