YOUR FUTURE BEGINS HERE! Prior to becoming a student at Veritas Academy, you need to first apply…
Step 1: Complete pages 1-4 with personal information and interests:
a. Check the line for the program choice (example: School Year-9 months)
b. Attach passport-size photo. This can be a passport, school or digital photo
c. Include a copy of the picture page of your passport. If you do not have a passport, you will need to apply for one ASAP.
d. Please be sure to list all food allergies or preferences.
Step 2: Complete your Student Essay:
Write a short essay telling us why you are interested in attending Veritas Academy. All letters need to be in English. Remember this is your way of letting us know who you are… don’t be afraid to be enthusiastic!
Step 3: Have your parents complete the Parent letter (in English):
This letter, like the Student Letter, is another opportunity to tell us about who you are. This letter will be shared with your dorm parents or host family and your school counselor and should be as detailed as possible.
Step 4: Complete Family Album:
Include as many pages as you would like for your Family Album and be creative! Be sure to include pictures of you and your family and some of the activities you like to participate in. Please label all pictures clearly in English. You can use digital photos or color copies of the originals, provided they do not take away from the quality of the picture.
Step 5: Request a written recommendation from your English language teacher and any other teacher or administrator:
The teacher can either give the completed recommendation to you or send it via email to
Step 6: Request an official transcript from your high school:
An official transcript must have an official school stamp or signature.
There is no school application fee.
We will review your application, and if you meet all of the admission requirements, you and (if applicable) your international agency, will be notified that you have been accepted to Veritas Academy. Our admissions office will send you an Acceptance Letter, Enrollment Agreement, and an Invoice for the tuition, fees, and room and board with payment instructions.
Following receipt of the signed Enrollment Agreement and confirmation of deposit payment, student will receive an I-20 document which will allow you yo schedule a visa interview at your local US embassy or consulate.
For more information, contact EduPathway Admissions by email at
Veritas Academy does not discriminate based on race, color, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational programs, admission policies, and
financial aid.
* As a Christian school, Veritas Academy believes that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen. 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.