About Farm Bureau
Farm Bureau is a 501(c)5 nonprofit, grassroots membership organization that works to support our state's food and farm community. Farm Bureau is active at the local, state, and national levels on the issues that impact agriculture. Farm Bureau is the very heart and strength of the organization. It’s here where the members work together as volunteers in an effort to improve their profession. We are committed to preserving the future of farming for the next generation of food, fiber, and fuel producers. The more members that get actively involved, the stronger our organization.
Trustee Qualifications
Please checkmark each qualification in acknowledgement.
All trustees must be a paid Ashtabula County Farm Bureau member.
All trustees must be an “agriculturalist.” Agriculturalists”—defined as an individual who isdirectly impacted by the health of the agricultural industry, as determined by the member countyOrganization.
In Ashtabula County, trustees must farm full time or part time, own farmland, or work in the agriculture industry.
Board Member Responsibilities
Please checkmark each responsibility in acknowledgement.
Attend Board Meetings: Each trustee represents the membership of the county and is responsible for acting on behalf of the entire membership to carry out the adopted policies of the county Farm Bureau.
Strengthen Membership: Each trustee should give leadership to the membership campaign. More members mean numerical and financial strength. Board members should actively participate in the membership campaign by signing new members and renewing existing memberships.
Provide Leadership to County Members: Each trustee should serve in a leadership capacity as appointed by the president. It is important that trustees serve faithfully to put into action the wishes of the members as reflected in the policy resolutions.
Secure Adequate Finances: Through membership campaigns and other means, trustees shouldensure the county Farm Bureau is financially stable.
Contracts and Agreements: Even though contracts will probably be negotiated and signed by theorganization director, board members should be kept abreast of contracts and agreements
Carry out Policies Adopted by Members: The county members voted on and adopted countypolicies during the county annual meeting. These policies should be priority issues for the boardof trustees.
Be Alert to Problems: Develop and share policies in the best interest of agriculture, thecommunity and the members.
Ashtabula County Board of Trustees Info & Application Process
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Occupation Info
Current Occupation
Current Employer
Agricultural Involvement
Do you currently farm? If yes, please describe your farming operation.
Do you work in the agricultural industry? If yes, please describe your occupation as it relates to food and ag.
Are you or were you a student pursuing a degree or career in an ag related field? If yes, what field?
Do you currently own farmland?
Describe any other agricultural involvement you would like to share.
Skills & Involvement
Why are you interested in being a trustee on the board?
What personal skill or strength of yours do you think would benefit our organization?
Do you have a committee you’d like to serve on or a particular area of interest?
Please list community involvement, boards and committees that you serve on, or have served on. (Include organization, role/title, and date of service.)
What other volunteer commitments do you currently have?
The Ashtabula County Farm Bureau board meets on the third Monday of every month at 7 PM. Do you see any scheduling problems that might affect your attendance?
Are you willing to uphold the responsibilities assigned to you?
By signing below, I attest that the information I have provided is accurate. Additionally, my signature represents my agreements to the statements below. Please checkmark each one as well.
I agree to the following statements:
I understand and agree to the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau Trustee Responsibilities
I agree to participate pursuant to the Ashtabula County Farm Bureau Code of Regulations, and
I understand that if conflicts prevent me from performing the rules and expectations as a board member, I may be removed from the board by a ⅔ majority vote.
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