Apply for a Dupli trade account
To apply for a trade account please complete the details requested below and one of the team will get back to you.
Are you a...
Limited company
Sole trader
Company Details
Company Name
Company Reg Number
Company Vat Number
Registered office or, if a sole trader, your home address
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Your Account Details
Company Website
Main Telephone Number
Mobile Number
Invoice Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Default Delivery Address (if different from above)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Email - account holder
Customise your email notifications
Use account holder email
Select custom email address
Email - for accounts statements
Email - for product/price changes
Your Industry
Main Business Category
Photo and/or camera retail store
Professional print lab
Schools photographer
Large format/fine art printer
Print/signage business
Professional photographer
Event photography
Education/government establishment
Which of the following product groups you are most interested in?
Choose as many topics of interest as you like, so that we can tailor our communications with you!
Inkjet minilab equipment and/or consumables
Dye sub minilab equipment and/or consumables
Wide/large format equipment and/or consumables
Film & cameras
Photo chemistry
Background rolls
Do you require credit terms?
No, I'd like to pay as I go
Yes, I'd like to know more about Dupli Credit
Apply for Dupli Credit
Complete the below to request a credit application. Our payment terms are 25 days from end of month. All goods remain the property of Dupli Limited until such time as they are paid in full.
Landline Number
Credit Limit Requested
Please sign here
Signature Name
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: