Church Sustainability Cohort Application
Church Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Main Point of Contact
First Name
Last Name
Point of Contact's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Point of Contact's Email
Name of Pastor or Interim Pastor
First Name
Last Name
Please answer the following questions to help provide us with more insight as to why your congregation is interested in the Church Sustainability Initiative.
Which of the following aspects of your church's current state is most concerning to you? (check all that apply)
Fixed Cost (salaries, benefits, utilities,insurance, etc)
Building Maintenance
Congregation's Emotional State
Congregation's Energy Level
Why do you think the Church Sustainability Initiative is right for your church?
What do you hope will be the outcome of participating in the Church Sustainability Initiative?
What else would you like us to know?
Summit & Guides
The Church Sustainability Cohorts kick off with a Summit focused on shared learning with other congregations. CBF provides the resources and facilitators for the Summit, while the participating congregations cover the costs of lodging and meals. Is your church prepared to send 3-4 representatives to the launching Summit?
Participating congregations have the option to covenant with a Church Sustainability guide. The guide will lead four church-wide conversations, coach the congregational team, and facilitate comprehensive assessments to help inform potential pathways forward. The covenant fee is $2,000, which covers all the expenses associated with guide services. CBFNC will pay an additional $2,00 for the guide services. While having a guide is not a requirement for participation in the initiative, they are valuable resources for your church as you navigate the process of discovering your next most faithful step, offering critical insight, teaching, and coaching. Is your church interested in learning more about covenanting with a Church Sustainability guide?
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