Receipt/Reimbusement Expense Specifics
Gas Receipts: must include the name of the gas station/buisness, date of the transation, and total amount of the expense. Must be a receipt issued from a gas station.
Flights/Airfare: receipt must include name of traveler, dates of flight, and total amount. Photo of the actual ticket is NOT a receipt.
Lodging/Hotel/Airbnb Receipts: reimbusement for lodging should not be submitted until the event has concluded (post event). Documentation should be the final receipt (not inital invoice or quote), should show the dates stayed, taxes, and the total amount. A list of individulas who stayed/benefited from the lodging should be provided. Lodging is paid per diem.
Food during Away Trips: Meals are paid per diem. Receipt must have the vendor, date, and food details.
Food During Hosted Events: club must have approval from the rec clubs office. Club should complete the University's Food and Beverage Form and submit to the rec clubs office.
Equipment/Supplies: club should contact Rec Clubs manager before purchasing equipment and supplies to ensure funds and/or storage facilities are available.