1. During the mandatory six (6) month affiliation period, I agree to attend at least 20 club training sessions (80%). I agree to notify the club secretary (Robin Sanford- rmwsanford@gmail.com) or club treasurer (Heidi Bauer-HeidiBauer9@gmail.com) after each training that I attend.
2. All Active/Full RMWD Memberships are individual. RMWD does not offer discounts for family/significant other memberships. After I complete the mandatory six (6) month affiliation period, the Board of Directors (BOD) and full/active members of RMWD will vote on my application.
3. RMWD dues are $450 per year for one individual with one dog. There is an extra $150 for an additional dog.
4. I agree to pay $20 for each training day (not per training phase). Training fees can be paid via cash, check or via RMWD’s Venmo account (@RockyMountainWorkingDogs-Club). Training fees should be given to RMWD’s club treasurer (or other BOD member) at the time of training.
5. If accepted as a full/active club member, those fees paid during the mandatory six (6) month affiliation period shall be applied to annual club dues for the remainder of the current year. There are NO refunds. If accepted as an Active/Full Club Member, any exceedance of the annual dues paid by the Affiliated Club Member during the affiliation period, shall be considered non-refundable training fees. Any remainder of the annual dues for the current year are payable within 30 days upon acceptance as an Active/Full Club Member. Dues are payable before March 1st of all following years of membership.
6. If not accepted as an Active/Full Club Member, any fees paid during the affiliation period shall be considered non-refundable training fees.
7. I agree to train and trial in all three phases of Schutzhund/IGP, unless otherwise agreed to by the RMWD Training Director and/or BOD.
8. I agree to learn a system of training adequate for my dog(s) and show progress with my dog(s) during the mandatory affiliation period.
9. I agree to not come to any training or trial under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
10. I agree to sign a waiver of liability.
11. I agree to clean up after my dog in all training or trialing areas including the sod farm and Stupak Training Facility.
12. I agree to keep my dog under control at ALL times.
13. I agree to be a member of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (UScA) in good standing and will remain in that capacity for the duration of my membership in RMWD.
14. The RMWD Board of Directors has the right to terminate my affiliation status at any time.