I agree to be bound by the Rules of Sailing and all other rules that govern this course. I understand that sailing has inherint risk and dangers that are beyond the control of the organising authority. I understand that neither the organising authority and its officers, members and servants nor other persons assisting with the conduct of the course accept any responsibility in repesct of any injury or loss to person or property that may be sustained by reason of participation in the course or howsoever aring in connetion with the course.
I agree to the use of my photograph(s)and other relevant information in any event, publicity and in the ongoing promotion of New Zealand yachting, I agree to the Organising Authority and Yachting New Zealand holding the above information for the general administration and well-being of the sport, and for them to retain, use and disclose the information to affiliated organisations and any other persons or organisations the Yachting New Zealand believes will further the interests and objectives of yachting New Zealand. I acknowledge my right to access to and correction of this information. This consent is given in accordance with Privacy Act 1993.