Red River Communications and/or its agents, are not responsible for damage to your facilities that are not properly marked with stakes, spray paint or flags before work begins. If you are unable to properly locate and mark your privately owned buried facilities, contractors will do it for a fee.
After construction activity is complete, Red River Communications will backfill with existing soil and mound the affected area. Further restoration of the affected area is the responsibility of the property owner.
By signing below, I certify that I own or am the authorized representative of the person(s) who owns the property indicated in this application. I will provide Red River Communications (RRC)with reasonable access to its premises to inspect, install, maintain, and repair RRC products or services and shall authorize any other employee or its designated agent to grant access to these premises for these purposes. I certify the information provided is accurate, and I will promptly inform Red River Communications of any plan revisions. If installation requirements differ from what is submitted on this application, I understand these changes may increase my cost.