Gem & Jam 2024 Art Installation Application
First Name
Last Name
Artist Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Physical Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please drop all social media links below for us to review.
Please note: Promoting yourself and Gem & Jam is a requirement upon selection.
Installation Description
Do you have previous experience showcasing your work at events or festivals? If so, please list them below along with the contact information for your supervisor.
Approximately how much square footage does your installation take up?
How much power does it take to run your installation?
How long does it take to build your installation? To strike?
Strike = tear down.
How many team members do you require?
Do you have a budget requirement?
Please note: We do a portion of our installations through a ticket trading system. Our Installation Director is happy helping getting ticket trades sold.
Please submit a third person bio for yourself/your installation so that we may use it for promotional purposes upon selection.
Thank you for submitting your application!
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