Sponsorship Request Form
If paying via EventBrite, please pay your sponsorship prior to filling out this form. For payment instructions, go to www.dstlvac.org/founders-day. If paying by check, make sure to print the form. Cream Sponsor is $1,350 (includes one reserved table for 10 for you and your guests for the Saturday's Founders Tribute Brunch & Celebration Day Party). Deadline for submission is February 1, 2025.
Company/Organization Name As You Would Like It to Appear
Company/Organization Website Link:
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Mobile #
Contact Email:
Please list your guests on your table (Guest #1 is yourself)
First Name
Last Name
Indicate special needs if any (i.e. vegan, wheelchair)
Current Delta Chapter Affiliation
Delta National or Regional Title (if applicable)
Guest #1
Guest #2
Guest #3
Guest #4
Guest #5
Guest #6
Guest #7
Guest #8
Guest #9
Guest #10
Upload your logo to be placed on the Founders Day webpage and LVAC social media (high resolution jpg or png format only)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Upload your full page 8.5" x 11" ad (jpg or png format)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
You must pay for your Sponsorship before submitting this form. Let us know the method of payment used.
Credit Card via EventBrite
Check sent via mail - Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter, P.O. Box 270534, Las Vegas, NV 89127, ATTN: Founders Day
Check paid in-person to a LVAC Finance Member (i.e. paid at a Chapter Meeting)
Cash paid in-person to a LVAC Finance Member (i.e. paid at a Chapter Meeting)
If paid via EventBrite, indicate confirmation #
If you are paying via check, indicate check #. Don't forget to print out this form to send with your check.
Should be Empty: