Please fill out any relevent information I may need for your appointment below. If there is a question you do not understand or are not sure how to answer, give your best guess and let me know at the end how I can help!
Once your form has been submitted, you will be automatically added to my waitlist. As soon as I am able, I will reach out to you for more information and booking.
To schedule an appointment, a non-refundable deposit is required which can be made over the phone, through venmo or at the shop. Deposit fees are $75 and $100 for sleeves/larger pieces. This fee is also deducted from the final price of your tattoo.
I am located at:
Standard Ink Tattoo Company
434 Frazier Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37405
(423) 490-9819
Thank you so much for choosing to booking with me! - Jess