1. Do not submit this form unless you can complete the form. Make sure you have all the following information before proceeding:
a. Company Information for show program. Need your booth number? Click here:
b. NM GRT ID. All exhibitors must have a New Mexico GRT ID to exhibit. If you do not put in your GRT ID you will not be approved to exhibit and you will have to fill out this form again. Any and all tax questions must go through New Mexico Taxation and Revenue at 1-866-285-2996. If you ask Sunbelt Shows we will refer you to the number above.
Here is how you get one if you don't have one already:
Get Your NM GRT ID
c. Electrical and Wifi Order forms filled out and ready for upload.
Click for the forms: Electrical Order Form and Wifi Order Form
d. Food Exhibitors Only (if you do not upload a license, you will not be approved and will have to fill out this form again):
For persons bottling or canning or representing products, which are bottled or canned:
A copy of the processor’s permit/license.
The license MUST have a license number and VALID expiration date to be accepted.
2. If you do not have a food product, you do not have to upload a license.
3. Electricity and Wifi are not required to exhibit in the show.
4. More Exhibitor information including dryage, hours and more can be found HERE.