Ad Request Form
Please pay your ad prior to filling out this form. For payment instructions, go to If you are paying by check, print out the form. Deadline for submission is February 1, 2025.
Company/Organization Name As You Would Like It to Appear
Company/Organization Website Link:
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Mobile #
Contact Email:
Type of Ad
Back Cover: 7" W x 10" H, $500
Inside Back Cover: 7" W x 10" H, $300
Inside Front Cover: 7" W x 10" H, $300
Full page: 7" W x 10" H, $200
Half page: 7" W x 5" H; $100
1/4 page: 3.5" W x 5" H, $50
Upload your ad to be placed in the digital Souvenir Journal (high resolution jpg or png format only)
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Upload your logo to be placed on the Founders Day webpage and LVAC social media (high resolution jpg or png format only)
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You must pay for your ad before submitting this form. Let us know the method of payment used.
Credit Card via EventBrite
Check sent via mail - Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter, P.O. Box 270534, Las Vegas, NV 89127, ATTN: Founders Day
Check paid in-person to a LVAC Finance Member (i.e. paid at a Chapter Meeting)
Cash paid in-person to a LVAC Finance Member (i.e. paid at a Chapter Meeting)
If paid via EventBrite, indicate confirmation #
If paid via check, indicate check #
Should be Empty: