Your Entrepreneurial Journey
The first step to making something better is to appreciate what is already in place. This confidential business assessment takes up to 20 minutes to complete. Skip over any questions you are not comfortable answering.
First Name
Last Name
Name of your Company
Your Position or Title
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please answer the following...
1. Why and how did you become a business owner?
2. How long have you owned this company?
0-2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
10+ years
3. What has your experience as a small business owner been like?
4. Looking back to when you first envisioned your business, how close have you come to reaching that vision?
5. How would you describe your balance between your work and personal life?
Good, works for me
Too much work but I'm OK with it
Business has taken over my life
6. What would you say are the most important things in your life right now?
7. Do you work more hours and get more done than anyone else in your company?
Some of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Don't believe so
8. Describe in a few words your leadership style?
9. Do you feel like you are in control of how you spend your time?
Most of the time
Not really
10. Describe your company culture?
Please answer the following...
1. What is your primary product or service?
2. How satisfied are you with the quality of your product/service?
Super proud
Mostly good
Could be better
Needs serious improvement
3. How consistent is the quality of your product/service?
On time, every time, exactly as promised
Mostly good
Could be better
Needs serious improvement
4. What quality control checks do you have in place and how are they measured (i.e. how often/by whom/reported to)?
5. How many of your customers become repeat buyers?
Almost 100%
Most but not all
Less than 50%
Don't know
6. How would your customer service be affected if your sales doubled next week?
7. How often do you find yourself “putting out fires” in regards to your business operations?
Things are pretty much out of control all the time
We make a few mistakes that require my attention
I spend a lot of time fixing things
Everything runs pretty smooth without me
8. Which of these statements are true (check all that apply)?
I'm the only one who can do ________(any key element to the business operations that is 100% dependent on you personally)
My paperwork is a major problem, I'm often not able to find what I'm looking for
This place is a mess, I can't keep it clean
I'm never sure a job can be done on time
If I needed to take 6 weeks off the business would be in serious trouble
9. I spend a great deal of my time improving company efficiency.
10. Which statement best describes your company's technology?
We follow our industry's gold standard and know how to use it
We have great technology but don't use it to its fullest capacity
We could definitely upgrade and learn more about what we have
We don't really use or count on computers or other technology
Please answer the following...
1. What is your Gross Annual Revenue?
2. What financial tracking software are you currently using?
3. Describe your understanding of your company's financial statements? What kinds of financial reports do you generate on a regular basis (e.g. profit & loss, budget, balance sheet, projections, statement of cash flow, other)?
4. Are you confident your product/service is priced accurately to balance maximum profit and opportunity?
Not sure
5. Which statement best describes your company's current net profit before tax position?
More than 10%
Less than 5%
Losing money
6. Are you comfortable with the amount of debt you have?
No problem
Could be better
Not comfortable at all
No debt
7. Has not having enough cash on hand impacted your company's ability to grow?
Not really
Most of the time
8. How much do you think you could sell your business for today?
9. Are you now or have you recently been behind in filing or paying taxes?
Not now, has happened in the recent past
10. What wage do you pay yourself each month?
Please answer the following...
1. How big is your team?
2. Would you say your employees have a clear picture of what your company is about and understand their role in fulfilling that picture?
Absolutely true
Some but not all
Not really
3. Are you the hardest working person on your team?
4. Describe your current hiring system?
5. How do you train new/current employees?
Using our updated training manuals
Another employee shows them the ropes
We expect them to know the job when they are hired
6. Are the work accountabilities clearly defined?
7. Would you be in big trouble if a certain key person(s) were to leave the business?
It would be difficult but we could get through
Not really, everyone is replaceable with a bit of notice
8. What are the best things about working for you and your company?
9. How consistent are the results your employees produce?
On time, every time, exactly as promised
Mostly good
Could be better
Needs serious improvement
10. Knowing what you know today, would you hire everyone on your current team?
Absolutely, everyone is great
I would hire most of them
I would hire "some" of them
I would have a different team
Sales & Marketing
Please answer the following...
1. Describe your ideal customer in as much detail as you know?
2. What percentage of "your" time do you spend on generating and converting new business?
More than 60%
3. Which lead generation methods do you currently use?
Print media
Social media
News releases
Newspaper advertising
4. On average, how long does it take you and/or your team to return a phone call?
5. Which Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program do you use, if any?
6. How easy is it for a potential customer to buy from you?
Click a button... done!
Two or three simple steps and they are in
Same as everyone else in my industry
Never really thought about it
7. Where do most of your new clients come from?
8. Where does your product/service price fit within your market?
More expensive
Somewhere in the mid-range
Less expensive
9. How do you follow up with customers after the sale?
10. Most companies claim they get new business from other existing customers. Describe how you currently manage these referral partners?
What are your highest priority goals for the next business year?
Increase profitability
Have more personal time
Motivate my staff
Be a more confident leader
Greater understanding of my financials
Make better financial decisions
More time with family
Better target new customers
More cash in the bank
Launch a new product
Get out of debt
Hire a stronger team
Get on or get better with Social Media
A new website
Improve my health
Hire a business coach (had to ask!)
Should be Empty: