Safe Sanctuary Recertification
What staff member should your recertification be sent to?
Please Select
Kayla Belk
Janice Cloninger
Bert Giles
Matt Guild
Shannon Long
Select one
First Name
Last Name
Emotional abuse: Abuse in which a person exposes a child or vulnerable adult to spoken or unspoken violence or emotional cruelty which may make a child or vulnerable adult feel ____________?
Type your answer in the box
Restroom policy-Volunteers/staff accompanying a child or youth needing assistance to the restroom should leave the ________________?
restroom door open
restroom altogether
sink faucet running
Positive discipline measures will be used to redirect and guide behavior. Techniques of behavior management to use will include the following: 1. Positive reinforcement 2. Redirecting students to other areas of the room or to new activities 3. Removal from the classroom/activity area and taken to the parent(s) or appropriate ministry leader. 4. _____________ (fill in the blank)
Type your answer in the box
Participation Covenant
The congregation of University City United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth, vulnerable adults, and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. The following policy statements reflect our congregation’s commitment to preserving this church as a holy place of safety and protection for all who would enter and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationships with others. No adult who has been convicted of child abuse (either sexual abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse) should volunteer to work with children or youth in any church sponsored activity. 2. Adult survivors of child abuse need the love and support of our congregation. Any adult survivor who desires to volunteer in some capacity to work with children or youth is encouraged to discuss his/her willingness with one of our church’s ministers before accepting an assignment. 3. All adult volunteers involved with children, youth, or vulnerable adults of our church must have been members of the congregation or regularly attending for at least six months before beginning a lead volunteer assignment or referred by the Weekday School. 4. Adult volunteers with children, youth, or vulnerable adults shall always observe the “Two Adult Rule” or “Rule of Three”. 5. Adult volunteers with children and youth shall attend regular training and educational events provided by the church to keep volunteers informed of church policies and state laws regarding child abuse. 6. Adult volunteers shall immediately report to their staff ministry leader any behavior that seems abusive or inappropriate.
Please answer each of the following questions
As a volunteer of this congregation...
do you agree to observe and abide by all church policies regarding working in ministries with children, youth, and vulnerable adults?
do you agree to always observe the “Two trained volunteers” rule or “Rule of Three”?
do you agree to participate in training and education events provided by the church related to your volunteer assignment?
do you agree to promptly report abusive or inappropriate behavior to your staff ministry leader?
By typing your name below you are confirming you have read and agree to the participation Covenant.
First Name
Last Name
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