Narcotic/Control prescription education
According to DEA CSA (Control Suspicious Act) requires more information in order to fill a standard control prescription.
Due to drug diversion as well as complex drug supply chain, pbms restrictions, regulations to name a few resulting in limited controlled drug supply.
We expect you (patient) to be a good partner to navigate the challenges together.
Filling a controlled prescription at ESCO pharmacy, you must follow the guidelines below.
1. A valid prescription with complete diagnosis, and 6 months of medication history faxed to our fax line 212-265-7364 for compliance department review.
2. Valid government issued identification (18 and older), if a minor, the guardian info and identification.
3. All Controlled drugs must be purchased by insurance.
i. If waiting for insurance prior approval, the patient can elect a 1-time only cash purchase up to 7days worth of the me.
4. You are under treatment and obtain control/narcotic prescription from one provider (or provider group) only.
5. You are responsible for providing and update the pharmacy all the medications that you take (including herbal remedies and over-the-counter medications) as well as treatment changes related to medication prescribing.
6. All medications must be filled with our pharmacy and taken exactly as prescribed.
Any non-compliance red flags, the compliant department will lock the your access to controlled prescription filling ability at our facility until the red flag issue is resolved.
a. Noncompliance red flags are: Early filling (more than 1day from last filling and more than 5days accumulative throughout the year), patients getting prescription from multiple providers, or multiple pharmacies.
Short list of why your controlled prescription is rejected.
1. Too early filled (DEA, BNE allows cumulative 5days early throughout the year.
2. Distance issues. Patient and doctor located outside a 20 blocks radius.
3. Non-compliant issue: multi-providers, multi-pharmacies.
4. PMP show suspicious activities.
5. Patient demand certain shape color and manufacturer.
If you agree to our pharmacy protocol, please proceed here: