Sale Terms & Conditions:
- All photos must be professional photos; a list of reputable photographers is available. Cell phone photos are not acceptable, unless approved by sale management.
- Total Sale costs, including sale management commission, expenses, etc. will be approximately 15%; with economic volatility, we reserve the right to adjust marketing methods to help keep costs within range for our consignors. Every lot within the sale will be charged for total sales costs, and is responsibility of consignor. Any preferred floor/reserve amount will need to be communicated with sale management prior to sale day.
- Sale management will make every effort to receive payment from purchasers within 45-60 days. Consignor will be paid out once all sale proceeds have been collected, and associated sales costs covered for each lot consigned by that individual consignor. Should a purchaser default on payment after 60 days, consignor has the right to void sale to that purchaser, and sale management will present that option to consignors once all avenues of collection have been exhausted. Sale costs will still incur and be responsibility of consignor. If purchaser pays consignor directly, consignor is still responsible for sales costs at the anticipated rate stated within this document.
- Cattle will sell under the Suggested Sale Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association. I have read these terms and conditions and certify that my consignments are made with the full knowledge of these requirements and conditions by which I am to be governed.