Alberta Airports Management Association Rates and Fees Schedule 2025
Annual Airport Membership
Registered Airport - $200.00
Certified Airport (Less than 50,000 Passengers - $500.00
Certified Airport (Over 50,000 Passengers) - $1000.00
Annual Corporate Membership
Bronze - $300.00+ GST
- An advertisement 4 times per year in our monthly newsletter
- Advertisement on the AAMA website
- Special low rates for the annual AAMA Conference
Sliver - $500.00+GST
- An advertisement 6 times per year in our monthly newsletter
- Advertisement on the AAMA website
- Special low rates for the annual AAMA Conference
Gold - $1000.00+GST
- An advertisement in every issue of our monthly newsletter
- Advertisement on the AAMA website
- An advertorial in the annual AAMA magazine
- Special low rates for the annual AAMA Conference