What is your BPW member status?
I'm currently a member of Upper Keys BPW.
I'm not currently a member of Upper Keys BPW, but have been in the past.
I have never been a member of Upper Keys BPW.
I'm a member of another BPW local organization.
How often do you visit
Every day
A few times a week
About once a week
A few times a month
About once a month
Less than once a month
Why do you visit (Select all the apply)
To register for an event
To search the directory
To stay up to date on BPW news
To explore volunteer opportunities
I don't visit the site
What is the primary way you get to
Web search (ex: Google search)
Directly (type in URL)
From Social Media post (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)
From an email link
How would you rate our website
It's bad
It's amazing
1 is It's bad, 5 is It's amazing
How aware are you that you can do the following on our site?
Not Aware
Somewhat Aware
Learn about sponsorship opportunities
Learn about committees
Learn about advertising opportunities
Learn about our public policies and advocacy
Access information about the Women's Scholarship Program and Application
Read current and past president's newsletters
How aware are you that you can do the following on our site?
Not Aware
Somewhat Aware
View job board
View the events calendar.
Register for events
Search the Members Directory
Send an email to any member in the directory
Contact the BPW President & Board Members
Order/Purchase an email blast to our mailing list
Volunteer for a committee
Arrange the following in order of importance to you, where 1 is the most important and 10 is the least important.
To what extend to you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website?
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree or disagree
Somewhat agree
It's easy to find event information
I can easily find policy information
It is easy to navigate the site
Information is where I expect it to be
It is well organized
What are three (3) adjectives you would use to describe UpperKeys BPW (as an organization)?
What are three (3) adjectives your would use to describe the UpperKeys BPW website?
What would you like to change on our current website?
What is missing from the current website?
Would you be interested in participating in a focus group about our website?
If you are interested in participating in a website focus group, please provide the following information.
Should be Empty: