Please allot your appointment for approximately 1 hr
To have a safe and effective IV therapy session, it is important that you adhere to the following pre- and post-visit instructions.
Before your appointment:
· Plan to be at the clinic at least 15 minutes before your infusion to fill out necessary paperwork if you are a first-time patient.
o If you are a repeat patient, then arrive 5 minutes before infusion.
· You can take your regular medications as normal on the day of treatment. If you are taking any of the following medications, you must hold them the day of your treatment:
After your IV infusion:
· Continue to wear dressing applied to the IV infusion site for 1 hour to prevent break through bleeding.
· You can apply cold packs or take naproxen (Aleve) for any post injection/infusion pain.
· A light meal and 16 ounces of water are recommended after the infusion
· Monitor your IV site for redness, pain, warmth, or swelling. This could be a sign of infection or an adverse reaction. If this occurs, please call (BOTTUMZUP Health and Wellness, LLC-407 993 1491)
· Continue routine follow up with your mental health and/or primary care provider for continued treatment and evaluation.
· If any mild side effects occur such as hives, nausea, fever, cramping, headaches, or any additional non-life-threatening symptoms, please call (BOTTUMZUP Health and Wellness, LLC-407 993 1491) immediately. If it is after hours, then please report to your closest urgent care or emergency department.
· If any type of serious adverse events occurs such as diffuse hives, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, chest pain, severe headache, changes in consciousness, increase pain/swelling in the arm that the infusion was given in, or anything else that is concerning, call 911 or report to the emergency department immediately.
· You can expect to feel improvements in your symptoms within 15-90 minutes of your infusion. These effects can last up to 1 to 1 and a half weeks.
· Patients can present for repeat infusions every 2 weeks unless determined otherwise by your treating provider.