Before and After Care is a service Athenian Academy of Technology and the Arts provides for a weekly fee. Payment is due before the service can be provided. Please plan to pay a week prior to service (every Friday Fees are payable via check, money order, cash, or credit card. Please note there is a registration fee of $25 per child.
All fees not paid in advance or by the close of business on the first day of service will accrue a late fee of $25.00. Failure to pay late fees and tuition by the last day of service for the week will result in the child(ren) being automatically withdrawn from the program for the next week until fees are paid. All outstanding balances must be paid before your child(ren) can attend the Before and After Care program.
If you will be late picking up your child(ren), please notify Aftercare. All students must be signed out by 6:00 p.m. Beginning at 6:01 p.m., a late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed per student for every minute sign-out has not been completed. Failure to pay for late fees will result in the child(ren) being withdrawn from the program until fees are paid. Additionally, students will not be permitted to participate in extra school functions such as: dances, field trips, field day, sports, and clubs until all fees are paid.
I understand that I am committing myself to participation in the Athenian Academy of Technology and the Arts Before and After Care program for the duration of the school year, unless events make withdrawal necessary. I understand that I am responsible for payment of contracted fees, paid in advance, at least by the preceding Friday. In addition, I understand that if my child(ren) is not signed out by 6:00 p.m. a late fee of $1.00 per minute (per student) will be charged. The Athenian Academy Before/After Care program reserves the right to terminate childcare services if fees are not paid in a timely manner or if behavior becomes too disruptive to the Before/After Care environment. Any outstanding fees owed to the school will result in your child being ineligible to participate in school function, including field trips until payment is rendered.