Reigniting Desire: A Workshop for Women Identified Individuals to Explore Sexual Desire and Openness to Pleasure January 25, 2025
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Email Address
Emergency Contact’s Name and number
Please indicate by typing "Yes" that you understand that this workshop is not intended for the purpose of processing trauma, addressing serious relationship conflicts, diagnosing or treating psychological or medical conditions, or substituting individualized therapy or medical advice.
Say a little about what you would like to get from your workshop
Please indicate by typing "yes" that you agree to keep information shared with you by others during this workshop confidential.
Please list any food allergies or restrictions/preferences that you have
The cost is $220. You will receive a claimable receipt for a portion of this fee on the day of the workshop. Payment can be sent by e-transfer to . To secure your spot, please make a non-refundable deposit of 50$ . Please ensure full payment is made no later than January 17, 2025
Reigniting Desire: A Workshop for Women Identified Individuals to Explore Sexual Desire and Openness to Pleasure
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