Fashion Report Cosplay Contest & Glam Exhibition Entry Form
For GATEway FATE 2024 Cosplay Contest
Important Reminders
To be judged separately for craftsmanship, cosplayers should apply separately as different entries. However, they are welcome to go on stage together for walk-ons and skits. If a team worked on a group cosplay together and wish to be judged together, certain exceptions apply:
1-3 Cosplay member team qualifies for (5) minute appointment
4-8 Cosplay member team qualifies for (10) minute appointment.
However, all members must be present for judging. If a team member does not show, they can not be judged separately later and are disqualified.
Awards are given by ENTRY. So if you apply as a team (3 people as a group for example as an entry) and get judged as a entire entry, the award will be given to the entry as a whole and not individuals.
Entry (Group) Name
How do you pronounce it?
Entry Leader (Legal Last Name Required)
Entry Leader Email
Other Entry Participants + Cosplay Handles; 7 max (Legal Last Names Required)
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What type of entry are you entering?
Craftsmanship (Costumes are over 80% crafted by entrant)
Fashion Report (Costumes include purchased elements and original creativity)
Exhibition (No judging or prizing, just want to showcase cosplay for fun)
Please state your entry and design elements, as well as any other descriptions here (ie, Artifact gear for a class, NPC character, creative take on another design, etc.)
Please upload reference pictures related to your entry. These can include official artwork or screenshots, sketches and drawings of concepts, or anything else that helps us visualize your plans. (Limit of 5 images)
Upload Images
Please choose the traditional Skill Division you believe you are. This is used only for reference as there are not Skill Division specific awards.
Are there any times that DON'T work for a Craftsmanship Appointment? Specifically, if you applied for a panel or event, please list it here. We will accommodate to the best of our abilities.
Additional Questions or Information you wish to provide
Should be Empty: