Application forms must be filled out COMPLETELY and accurately. Falsified application information will cause immediate disqualification by the pageant committee. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY February 25th, 2024. NO application will be considered that is late. Please mark your calendar for the first Mandatory Orientation Meeting that must be attended by the contestant and at least one parent. Orientation will be held at Osceola Heritage Park on Sunday, March 3, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. The pageant will take place in Thursday, May 30, 2024. Do not write in the area or put a photo in the designated place for your pageant photo. The pageant committee will place your photo on the form. If additional space is needed for your application, additional paper may be attached. The Sponsorship Application Fee ($100.00) must be submitted online at the time of application submittal. Applications received without payment will be discarded. A copy of your birth certificate, a printed, BLANK Rules and Regulation Form, along with the BLANK Hold Harmless Agreement must be brought to 1st orientation. You will be required to sign the Rules and Regulations as well as the Hold Harmless Agreement at orientation with a notary. Please retain a copy of the completed application for your records and to help with interview prep. Copies will not be provided once they are in our possession. Pageant and Application questions may be directed to Tihler Franey, Pageant Co-Chair, at 689-241-3533.Type contestants name exactly the way you want it announced throughout the pageant and the way it is to appear in the program book, newspaper and media releases. Information on the application will be used to create the pageant script and to create questions during all pageant events. Changes will not be accepted after the submission of your application. Also, be sure to include the names of all parents, as you want them announced. If you have more than one set of parents and you want them to be mentioned during the pageant, please indicate this information on the document. We are not responsible for information left out of the paperwork.
Contestant Eligibility and Rules:
Please remember to begin planning and memorizing your short speech at the beginning of the pageant.
The speech will take place during the pageant in the first onstage introductions… (Within 2 minutes) you will give your speech, including your name and sponsor(s).
Please remember that the speech needs to be short, sweet, to the point, and also age-appropriate. During the queen’s reign, she is asked to appear at many public and social events, and this will help showcase your speaking abilities and personality.