School District Survey
Please take a moment to tell us about your experience as an educator, or parent/guardian of a student in your school district. Your name and personal information will NOT be associated with published results of this survey. Your participation will remain confidential.
Please provide general information about yourself.
School/District Administrator
Community Member
Please provide the name of your School District and/or School
Please provide your first and last name (your name will NOT be associated with your answers, but we do need to verify that you are a local resident and we may want to ask you some questions to clarify your answers)
First Name
Last Name
Email and/or Phone (your contact information will not be associated with your answers, but we will need a way to contact you)
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please rate how your school district policies and actual school practices involve parents in decisions and activities relating to their child(ren).
Very satisfied
Very unsatisfied
Security Issue Notifications
Child Wellness Notifications
Ability to Opt-Out of Access to Offensive Books or Non-academic Activities
Is this school district meeting the academic needs of your child(ren) or students?
Not Sure
Please share a personal experience you have had relating to parental involvement or notification by school officials of an occurrence impacting your child or student.
Please rate how your school district or school's communication policy keeps parents informed, and provides staff and the public with a clear understanding of the administration's responsibilities and contact information.
Very satisfied
Very unsatisfied
Notifications to Parents of Major District Policy Changes
Published Contact information and Organization Chart with Responsibilities of Department Heads and Other Leaders
Notifications to Staff of Major District or School Policy Changes
Parents Allowed To Express Their Views at Board Meetings
Staff Allowed To Express Their Views at Board Meetings
Is the leadership in your district open to hearing constructive criticism of their policies and practices?
Not Sure
Please share a personal experience you have had that involved communication shortcomings with the School Board, Administration, or a Teacher.
Please rate how your school district or school's safety policies keep students and faculty safe while on school grounds.
Very satisfied
Very unsatisfied
School personnel trained to handle altercations or outside intruders
Dedicated safety officers (SRO's) available to assist students or faculty in emergencies
District policy addresses student on student and student on faculty violence
District policy includes incentives and disincentives to impact student behavior
Policy to address family acts of violence on campus
Are enough precautions taken to keep students and faculty safe on your school grounds?
Not Sure
Please share a personal experience you or your child has experienced on campus or at a school-related event that was unsafe or caused harm.
Thank you for providing information on your experiences with your school district or at your (child's) school. Please use the box below to provide any other information you think is important for us to know about the policies and practices that impact students and faculty.
Should be Empty: