1. Children will not be released to anyone not listed in the enrollment form unless advised by the parent, with provided written consent 24hrs in advance.
3. The selected package tuition fees are due at time of Registration; no refunds for absenteeism due to illness or inclement weather.
4. Supplies needed: Your child does NOT need to bring any consistent supplies to workshops. Less is more here!
5. Dress Code: Please ensure your child will come to each workshop with "play" clothing on; assume they may get messy.
6. Drop Off Policy: Campers will be dropped off at 1pm and picked up no later than 3pm.
7. Late Pick up Policy: Please pick up at exact time of package chosen. If you are greater than 5min late picking up your child, there will be a $5 per 10min late fee.
8. Refund Policy: Packages purchased are non-refundable regardless of child attendance and full amount required at time of enrollment. R.O.O.T.S. will hold camp rain or shine! No refunds will be issued in the event of a State-of-Emergency weather status. In the event of a government mandated closure (COVID-19), 50% of your remaining package will be refunded.
9. Please ensure that you have read the Student Handbook carefully and you agree to follow the instructions. By signing this Application, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions within the Student Handbook.
10. COVID-19 Policy: Masks will be left up to parental discretion for both indoor and outdoor activities. Most of our lessons will take place outside, but we will be doing some projects indoors (and in the instance of inclement weather)
11. This program does not discriminate against anyone regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.
12. Student Behavior Policy: all students, parents, and staff are expected to be kind and courteous to all members of ROOTS.
Aggressive behavior is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to: roughhousing, biting, punching, kicking, spitting, and name-calling.
All members are expected to use care with all belongings and property.
Adults who are leading group activities have the authority to verbally correct (kindly ask) a child engaging in disruptive or inappropriate behavior. If the child does not respond to verbal correction and the behavior persists, he or she will be asked to visit the “Regulation Station” with another trained staff member of ROOTS which will help the child self-regulate, cool down, and will encourage expression of feelings. When the child is able, they will rejoin their class. Any conflict resolution needed between students will involve the assistance of trained ROOTS staff.
The parents will be made aware of any behavioral concerns by a Teacher or Director and will work together to formulate a game plan on how to meet the child’s needs while attending ROOTS.
13. Sick Student Policy -
Please do not bring your child unless they have been at least 72 hours fever free and no signs or symptoms of illness such as, but not limited to, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomitting, coughing, runny nose, headache, sore throat, etc
14. COVID-19 Exposure Policy -
If you or your child are exposed to COVID-19, please do not come to ROOTS. Please ensure at least a 14 day window from exposure, before returning to our ROOTS. Please email the ROOTS Program Director at to notify them of any known COVID-19 potential exposure that could directly affect workshop members.
15. Sign up minimum
Please note that the success of this series, depends on having a minimum of 6 sign-ups. In the unlikely event that we do not meet this minimum, we reserve the right to cancel the camp. Rest assured, in such a situation, a full refund will be issued to all registered participants promptly. We encourage you to secure your spot early to ensure the series exciting adventure becomes a reality for all!