Thank you for nominating someone you know for this project.
We're Hannah and Melanie and we'd like to invite you to nominate an older community member (or maybe even yourself) to take part in an empowering photo-storytelling program that for people who live in and around Wallsend. There are 8 positions within the project and we'd love to include people that represent the beautiful diversity of the Wallsend community.
We're social-practice photographers and that means that we come alongside communities to support them to creatively explore and share their stories. Through this project we aim to honour the stories of older people, to share their wisdom and make space for conversations about aging and ageism.
We've run this program in 4 other towns and we've found that participants and their families gain a lot from being involved. We've also observed that people within the communities are deeply impacted by the stories shared.
The program involves us spending time with participants in their homes, listening and learning about their stories. We support them to creatively explore ways of sharing their story. The project is funded (it doesn't cost anything) and we provide everything needed to take part. It's also important to mention that the person taking part maintains ownership of their images and that they make the decisions about how they'd like those to be shared.
If consent is given, the visual pieces created as part of this project will be shared with the community in a street exhibition in mid-late 2024. We'll install beautiful images in the windows of vacant shop fronts along Nelson Street to coincide with the 150th Celebration of Wallsend.
If this sounds like it might suit someone you know (or maybe even yourself), please fill in your details and the details of the person you'd like to nominate below.