Please read the following methodological considerations carefully before answering the questionnaire.
General questions
Questions on the understanding of the text of the Ratio Formationis
6. After having carefully read the first chapter of the RF (nos. 1-56), with which Personality Traits of St Francis do you feel most identified? (Use the scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very little identified and 10 is completely identified).
7. What is your level of identification with the following Charismatic Values (nos. 62-73) (use a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very little identification and 10 is completely identification)?
15. Concerning the formation team (nº 165-169). Mark the options that, in your opinion, best describe the formation team that accompanies you or has accompanied you.
16. On the profile of formators (nº 170-173). Rate from 1 to 10 in a global way the qualities of the brother formators who accompany you or have accompanied you in your formation process
17. On specific initial formation (295-301). Fraternal life and formation for consecration have priority in the time of initial formation, which is always the same for all the brothers.
18. On formative collaboration (nos. 302-304)
a. If your formation house is or has been the fruit of formative collaboration
b. If you have not or have not had any experience of collaborative formation
19. On affective-sexuality (see Annex III: Psycho-affective and sexual maturation)