First Name
Last Name
Are you a member of the Chicago Food Justice Rhizome Network?
Yes, I am already apart of the network and I receive emails and call reminders
No, I am not a member
This holiday party is for network members only, would you like to join the Chicago Food Justice Rhizome Network to gain access to working group calls and networking events like this?
Yes, I would like to be added to the network's google group so I can get plugged in
Yes, I am interested, but I want to receive more information before formally joining
No, I am not interested
We will provide light refreshments. Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies?
Is there anything you'd like to share with the event organizers?
To limit the spread of COVID-19, we will be requiring all attendees to conduct an at home test the morning of the event. If you feel ill or test positive for COVID, please stay home. Masks will be strongly encouraged at the event, but not required.
Yes, I understand the event's COVID protocol
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