Hong Kong Digital Qipao and Chinese National Costumes Design Competition
• 認識中華⺠族文化,培養國⺠身份認同;
Understanding Chinese culture and fostering national identity;
• 善用資訊科技,發展主動學習和探究思維;
Utilizing information technology to develop active learning and inquiry thinking;
• 發展個人興趣,培養欣賞品味,展現潛能所長;
Developing personal interests, cultivating appreciation, and showcasing individual talents and strengths;
• 創造和諧共存,多元共融,彼此學習的環境。
Creating a harmonious and inclusive environment for mutual learning and cultural exchange.
中、小學比賽詳情 Primary and secondary school competition details
• 比賽主題理念 Competition Theme:
Sustainable development of Qipao and Chinese National costumes;
Showcasing the value of intangible cultural heritage;
• 每學校可以推薦五位同學參加比賽。
Each school can recommend up to five students to participate in the competition.
• 每位同學選擇一個⺠族服裝設計(最多可上傳三次,以最後上傳為準);
Each student chooses one Chinese National costume design (maximum three uploads, with the final upload considered).
• 同學上傳數碼設計和發表其設計理念;
Students upload their digital designs and present their design concepts.
大專院校比賽詳情 Tertiary Groups competition details
• 比賽主題理念 Competition Theme:
Sustainable development of Qipao and Chinese National costumes;
Showcasing the value of intangible cultural heritage;
• 有興趣大專院校學生均可自行參加比賽;
Interested students from tertiary groups can participate in the competition individually.
• 參賽學生上傳數碼旗袍設計和發表其設計理念;(最多可上傳三次,以最後上傳為準)
Students upload their digital qipao designs and present their design concepts.(Maximum three uploads, with the final upload considered.)
• 大會首先選出十個優秀數碼設計,讓學生再製作出實體旗袍,進行O2O時裝秀;
The Organizer will initially select ten outstanding digital designs, and students will then proceed to create physical qipao dresses for an offline-to-online (O2O) fashion show.
中、小學校評選 Judging for primary and secondary schools
The judging criteria would be:
- 回應設計主題佔 25% ;
Response to the design theme 25% ;
- 顏色和圖案運用和整體呈現佔 25%;
Use of colors & patterns and overall presentation 25% ;
- 創意和實用性佔 25% ;
Creativity and practicality 25% ;
- 寫作和故事講述能力佔 25%。
Writing and storytelling skills 25%.
大專院校評選 Judging for Tertiary Groups
The judging criteria would be:
- 文化傳遞 20%;
Cultural heritage transmission 20%;
- 創意及時尚演繹 20%;
Creativity and practicality 20%;
- 布料及顏色運用 20%;
Use of fabrics and colours 20%;
- 手工及剪裁 20% (入圍作品);
Material and workmanship (Final Execution) 20%;
- 整體造型表達 20%。
Overall presentation 20%.
比賽時間 Competition Period
1. 登記報名比賽截止日期由即日起至 2024 年 3 月31 日晚上9點,而作品遞交截止日期為 2024 年 3 月 31 日晚上9點。
The registration deadline for the competition is on or before 9:00 PM, 31 March 2024, and the deadline for submission of entries is 31 March 2024, at 9:00 PM.
2. 全港數碼旗袍及民族服裝創意設計比賽的作品遞交日期為 2023 年 12 月 1 日至2024 年 3 月 31 日晚上9點之前(香港時間,包括首尾兩天)。提交參賽作品的時間以伺服器所收到之時間作準,逾時提交作品將不獲受理。
Entries for the competition can be submitted from 1 December 2023 to before 9:00 PM, 31 March 2024 (both days inclusive, Hong Kong time). The entry submission time will be based on the server’s record. Please note that late submissions will not be accepted.
3. 小學、中學第一輪公眾投票截止時間為 2024 年 4 月 30 日晚上9點,主辦機構會將各最高票數的前50名參賽者名單交給評審人員,進行第二輪評分,而大專組方面,主辦機構將首先選出十個優秀的數碼設計,然後讓學生為O2O時裝秀製作實體旗袍。
From 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024, there will be a public first-round voting for the Primary/Secondary Schools, the top 50 participants from the Primary/Secondary Schools with the highest number of votes will proceed to the second round. People will need to download the designated application, AR Fashion Designer, to participate in the public voting. As for the Tertiary Group, the Organizer will initially choose ten exceptional digital designs and then allow students to create physical qipaos for O2O fashion shows.
4. 中、小學組之 “最受社交媒體歡迎設計獎” 投票時間為 2024 年 4 月 8 日至 2024 年 5 月 10 日。
The voting period for the “Most Popular Design on Social Media Award” in the primary and secondary school category is from 8 April 2024 to 10 May 2024.
5. 大專組參加者需要在 2024 年 6 月 24 日當日進行試穿,主辦機構的設計團隊將提供反饋意見,讓參加者在剩餘的時間內完善設計。
Participants in the Tertiary Group are required to attend a fitting session on 24 June 2024. The Organizer's design team will provide feedback to help participants improve their designs during the remaining time.
6. 所有組別於 2024 年 7 月 5 日舉行頒獎典禮以及大專組於當日舉行O2O時裝秀。
An award ceremony will be held on 5 July 2024 for all categories, and an O2O fashion show will be organized specifically for the Tertiary Group
小冊子 Brochure
English: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:AP:5415dfcc-fb76-45a1-9c65-b09f2ac2cd22
中文: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:AP:2d8e45f6-eb23-459e-a68b-4faeda0a1a70
溫馨提示 Friendly reminder:
全港數碼旗袍及民族服裝創意設計比賽截止日期將至(3月31日 晚上9時),請未上傳作品/未下載圖紙老師盡快完成~ 我們期待學生作品~
The HKDQCNCDC deadline is coming soon, please kindly upload the design on time(31/3 9 pm), and we are looking forward to seeing the student’s design.
請小學和中學學校負責的老師注意,最多只有五位學生使用/體驗是次比賽之圖紙,換言之老師並不能將圖紙印出分發給全班/全級試用,再從中挑選五位學生參加比賽,如有其他問題或想全班/全級使用,請WhatsApp 65941276。
Attention to primary and secondary school teachers: Please note that only a maximum of five students can use/experience the competition drawings. In other words, teachers cannot print and distribute the drawings to the entire class/school for trial purposes and then select five students to participate in the competition. If you have any other questions or if you would like the entire class/school to use the drawings, please WhatsApp 65941276.
參賽者必須圍繞旗袍及民族服裝設計作品,遞交時請以 " 中文學生名 _ 中文學校名"為設計名,並在設計概念一欄打上標題(最多 20 字)、簡介(最多 200 字) ,標題及簡介不限中文或英文。
Participants are required to design works under the theme of Qipao and Chinese National costumes. When submitting, please use "Student Name_School Name" as the design name, and provide a title (maximum of 20 words) and a brief description (maximum of 200 words) in the design concept column. Both English and Chinese titles and introductions are acceptable.
除了「最受社交媒體歡迎設計獎」會在主辦機構網站、Facebook 專頁公布及得獎學校將獲專人以電郵個別通知之外,所有獎項將於 7 月5 日當日即場宣佈,敬請老師注意並與學生出席頒獎典禮,詳細時間及地點將會稍後公告。
In addition to the 'Most Popular Design Award on Social Media Award' being announced on the organizer's website and Facebook page, and the winning schools being individually notified via email, all awards will be announced on-site on July 5th. Teachers are kindly requested to take note and attend the award ceremony with their students. Detailed time and venue information will be announced later
(Updated on 3/4)
- 小學、中學第一輪公眾投票(AR Fashion designer App)截止時間為 2024 年 6月 14 日晚上9點,主辦機構會將各最高票數的前20名參賽者名單交給評審人員,進行第二輪評分。
- 對於「最受社交媒體歡迎設計獎*」,參與者可以投票給多個設計,並且必須點讚ConnectAR有限公司的Facebook專頁,否則該投票將不被計算。
- 中、小學組之 “最受社交媒體歡迎設計獎” (Facebook)投票時間為 2024 年 5 月 24 日至 2024 年 6 月 24 日。
(Updated on 3/6)