The Ohio STEP Competition is open to Ohio students in grades 06-12 only.
Please click next if you are paying the submission fee.
Schools wishing to pay for students must contact Dorie Gruber at before the February 25, 2025 deadline to confirm the school is paying the student submissionfee. The school will need to provide a list of students. Submissions are NOT complete until payment is confirmed.
See additional school payment instructions here
The submission fees collected go towards the financial operation of the event and are non-refundable.
Project Choices
Grades 6-8:
Summary Plan and Pitch - Students write up to a five page summary and complete a two minute pitch video.
Grades 9-12 Students can choose from:
STEM Commercialization Plan and Pitch or STEM Business Plan and Pitch - Students write up to a twelve page plan and complete a two minute pitch video.