Donation Intent Form
Thanks for considering donating an item to the Share a LoT, in Maidenhead. Please fill in the fields below to the best of your knowledge about the item you wish to donate. We would like to ask that you also upload photos showing the full extent of the item for our initial screening.
First Name
Last Name
*, please let us know who you are so we can contact you about the item.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number if you have trouble contacting you by email.
Description of the item
Tell us more about the item that you wish to donate.
Make and model of the item
Please provide us with the make and model of the item. The model number can be usually found on a sticker or in the manual.
How long since you last used the item?
Let us know if have been using it regularly, or whether it's been sitting at the back of the cupboard.
What is the condition of the item?
Let us know if they item is in good condition or whether it is in need of repair. If repair is needed, please let us know what might be wrong with the item.
Upload Photo
Upload a File
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please upload at least one (1) clear photo of the item.
Are you happy for us to add your name as a donor of the item into our catalogue?
Submit Form
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