Work Project Request Form
PRIA Work Groups include a government co-chair, a business co-chair, PRIA members who have interest or subject matter expertise, and PRIA project support staff.
Your Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Project Name
Board Sponsor
Responsible Parties
Responsible Committee
Project Narrative:
Provide a complete description of the project you are requesting, including why this project is needed. Also include here the justification for specific time frames for implementation, if applicable.
Project Objectives/Outcomes:
Provide qualitative justification/benefit. Include the expected project outcome of this effort - the desired end result. Be specific and action oriented. Knowing specifics around what we are trying to accomplish will help in identifying needed changes. Identify benefits as they relate to the land records industry.
Project Support
At a high level: what equipment, time, materials, participation from other groups do you expect to need? Who needs to be represented on the project team? List skill set needs.
Key individuals/industry representatives/industry segments with a vested interest in the outcome of this project and how each would benefit from the project.
Known Issues/Constraints
Describe all identified issues/constraints/risks associated with the project. Consider resource needs, funding factors, sponsorship, coordination with other industry segments, etc.
Industry View
Are you aware of a similar project like this underway/proposed? Who? Where?
Strategic Alignment
Why do you think this project would be a strategic fit for PRIA?
Estimated Number of Months to Completion (assumes 2 meetings per month)
3 Months
6 Months
9 Months
12 Months
More Than One Year
Project Approval Process Steps
Check When Completed
Seek a member of the PRIA Board to be your project
Complete this project request form.
Submit this request to PRIA Board for approval
Should be Empty: