Thank you for considering Malahide Portmarnock ETSS for your child's Secondary School education.
Please take care when filling out this form as offers of places at Malahide-Portmarnock Educate Together Secondary School (MPETSS) will be based solely on the information supplied.
Applicants should read the school’s Admission Policy, which is available on MPETSS.ie prior to completing the application form.
The information requested on the application form is required in order to process your application for admission to the school. The information provided by you will be treated confidentially and processed in line with the school’s Admission Policy. Any personal data provided on this form will be used to (i) identify applicants (ii) process an application in line with the school’s admissions policy (iii) communicate with parents/guardians in respect of an application (iv) notify parents/guardians of the outcome of an application. The information will be retained for an appropriate period thereafter to address any potential queries arising from the application process or added to the student’s school file in the case of successful applicants.
In accordance with section 66(6) of the Education Act 1998, as amended, personal data relating to applications for admission may be shared with the board of management of another school or the patron in order to facilitate the efficient admission of students. This information may include the date on which an application was received by the school, the date on which an offer was made and the date on which an offer was accepted. Personal information concerning applicants may also be shared, including their name, address, date of birth and PPS number.
Further information on the handling of your personal data, including how to exercise your rights under GDPR, is set out in the school’s Data Protection Policy.
Application Process:
This form is for late applications to Malahide-Portmarnock ETSS in respect of 1st year entry for the academic year 2024-25 only.
New 1st year students to Malahide-Portmarnock ETSS in Sept 2023 must have completed 6th class at primary level & reach the age of 12 years by 1st January 2025.
The following documents are required with this form:
- Original or colour copy of Student Birth Certificate (no b/w photocopies & no passports accepted)
- • Supply of 2 x full page original and current UTILITY bills (past 4 months) addressed to the Parent(s) / Guardian(s) as proof of your current residential address. Only household utility bills from 2 DIFFERENT providers will be accepted Accepted:
- Gas
- Electric
- Waste
- Home broadband
- In cases of rented properties, a copy of the letting agreement will be accepted together with a bill from the above list.
NO bank statements, mobile phone bills or other documents can be accepted as they do not prove residence at your address.
• The form must be signed digitally as indicated on the jot form. For information on criteria see Section 8 in the Admissions Policy.
The information that you provide will be our only way to contact you. An acknowledgment email will be issued to the applicant detailing the information received. This communication will be from ‘studentapplications@mpetss.ie’ and will be the only communication at the application time. It is the responsibility of the Parent / Guardian to ensure that the email addresses stated above are saved in their email to avoid our emails going to ‘Junk’ or ‘Trash’ folders.
The Board of Management reserves the right to verify the information provided by the Parents / Guardians where an issue arises as to the residence status of a child applying in a particular year. It will be the responsibility of the Parent / Guardian to satisfy the Principal and/or Board of the status of the child’s principal residence and further documentation may be requested by the school for this reason.
Failure to provide all correct documentation as set out in our Admissions Policy or to respond to an offer of a place within the time stated above, will result in the place being forfeited. The place will then be offered to the next applicant on the waiting list. This decision cannot be reversed. A new application form will need to be completed, to be reconsidered for a place.
It is the responsibility of parents/carers to provide truthful information at the time of application and to inform Malahide-Portmarnock ETSS of any change of address, contact details or other relevant information that may occur after submission of this form. Failure to do this may result in forfeiture of any offered school place.
NB. Following submission of this form, you will be directed to an acknowledgement page. You will also receive an email receipt to the email address you entered on this form. This email address will be our primary contact with you.
Place Offers:
Late applications will be assigned a waiting list place following those in Priority 1 - 4.
We will advise of your application position on the list on a regular basis once rounds have been offered.
If offered a place, Parents/Guardians must accept in writing within 14 calendar days of the date on the offer email. Failure to do so will result in your child's place being forfeited.
Further to offer, all requested enrolment documentation will be required within the time frame stated in our Admissions Notice, or, we regret, will result in your child's place being forfeited.
Thank you
MPETSS Admissions