Screen Host Inquiry
Let's find out if your business qualifies to be a Screen Host.
Company Name
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Website Address
If you do not have a website address, simply leave this blank.
What type of business do you have?
Example: Restaurant, Medical Office, Repair Shop, Etc.
Tell us about your screen setup:
We already have at least one screen for our viewers
We currently have no screens for viewers
We are in the process of setting up or planning for screens
What type of area is your screen or screens located in?
Waiting Room
Dining Room
What is the approximate seating capacity of the area a screen would be viewed in?
Under 5 seats
5-12 seats
13-20 seats
21-30 seats
30 or above seats
This is a standing or walking area with no seats
Approximately how many people a day pass through this area?
Approximately how long does the average person spend in this area?
Looking at the above chart, which plan sounds best for your business?
Profit Sharing
Screen Sharing
Content Sharing
A blend of multiple options
I am not really sure yet
How did you hear about us?
Example: Facebook, Screen Ad, Friend, Barber, Mechanic, etc.
Comments or special notes:
Should be Empty: