1. 雙目四肢完好無缺陷。
2. 身無病痛、嗓音妙好。
3. 心地清明,不為愚癡所轉。
4. 視力良好能照微細物。
5. 眼球、角膜,持好不壞。
6. 生活安穩、心無所懼。
7. 心身自在,常有善財善寶。
8. 可獲瓔珞及林園。
9. 身體健康,充滿活力。
10. 不會與他人發生口角、打鬥。
11. 走遍各地,不生無明煩惱。
Benefits of Light Offerings
Offering of lights was a common method of making offerings since the Buddha’s time. Among the Ten Offerings (incense, flowers, lamps, ointments, fruit, tea, food, treasures, beads, and clothing), lamps are essential as they symbolize radiance and wisdom. Because the minds of sentient beings are hindered by the afflictions of ignorance, one therefore lights lamps before the Buddhas so that any darkness within can be illuminated by both this light and the wisdom-radiance of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, giving birth to a wise solution and the perfection of our own wisdom.
Various scriptures such as the Avatamsaka Sutra, Great Assembly Sutra, and Bodhisattva Treasury Sutra, note the merits of offerings lights. In the Merits of Bestowing Lamps Sutra, if one sincerely makes offerings of lights to the Buddha within pagodas or temples, one may be blessed in various ways including:
1. Full and complete limbs and eyes.
2. A healthy body and beautiful voice.
3. A clear mind, unmoved by ignorance.
4. Good vision.
5. Good eyes and cornea.
6. A peaceful life without fear.
7. Ease of body and mind with wealth and treasures.
8. Able to receive jeweled necklaces and groves & gardens.
9. A healthful body full of vitality.
10. Freedom from altercations and fights with others.
11. Freedom from the afflictions of ignorance.