Are you a member of the ACC?
We'd love to feature and share your story!
What we're looking for:
- Adventure — take us into the mountains with you, especially on ACC-based adventures or at our huts!
- Impact — meaningful insights gained on your adventures with the ACC
- Community — feel-good tales of building our mountain community
- Environment — stories of environmental stewardship and access
- Photo galleries — image galleries (with captions) from your great adventures
- Section features — a section event that is making a difference, unique section activities that could inspire other sections, a historial gem about your section you think members across the country would enjoy, etc
- Volunteer features — celebrate and highlight a person or people who are making a difference in the club
- Stories may be submitted in English or French, and may be eligible for translation pending review.
- Stories may be as short as 500 words, and up to 2000 words.
- We will include a short bio with your story. Please provide a photo of yourself (if you like) to be published with the story below.