Thank you for choosing our practice for your dental care and oral health needs.
Our policies are intended to help provide you with quality dental care and personalized attention. For your safety, please inform us of any changes to your health or prescribed medications before your visit.
As a courtesy to our clients, we accept assignment from your insurance carrier and will bill directly to them for you. Payment for your portion is due at the time of treatment. For procedures involving a laboratory component, a deposit will be required when treatment is started. We offer payment by Visa, MasterCard, Debit and Cash for your convenience.
We are an amalgam-free office and use tooth colored (white) composite filling material for direct restorations. Some insurance carriers will not cover the cost of "white fillings" and will pay the amount charged for amalgam. If this happens, you are responsible to pay the difference, which will depend on the extend of the filling required.
We accept most dental plans and we will utilize the plan to maximize your benefits. However, we prefer to prescribe the best dental treatment for each client regardless of the participation of the dental plan. We encourage you to be completely familiar with the terms of your dental insurance plan. This is a contract between you and your dental insurance. With your approval, pre-determination of insurance benefits can be obtained in advance from your insurance company by our office. The amount settled by the insurance company may be affected by such facts as annual limits of coverage, non-covered procedures, etc. Each company carries a different plan and this makes it extremely difficult for us to be aware of each and every plan detail. We will do our best to assist you with your plan when at all possible, but it is important to understand that you are ultimately responsible for your payment of any treatment.
If you find that you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, you are required two business days (48 hours) notice so that we may accomodate the dental needs of other patients. A charge of $50.00 per hour of dental hygienist's time will be applied to your account, if we do not receive the two (2) business days' notice to change your appointment time.
Your signature below indicates that you have read and understood the above and are aware of the policies in our office.