Synod of Living Waters - Class of 2026 Commissioner Form
The following questions and your answers are required by the General Assembly Committee on Representation
Commissioner's Name
First Name:
Last Name:
Commissioner Phone:
Commissioner Email Address:
Are they a PC(USA) Teaching Elder (Minister) or Ruling Elder?
Teaching Elder
Ruling Elder
What is their gender?
Ability - Choose the one that best describes them:
ND - person with no disability
DNA - person with disability requiring no accommodations
DRA - person with disability requiring accommodations
Age - Choose the one that applies to them:
under 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 55
56 - 65
Race/Ethnicity - Choose the one that best describes them:
AS - Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian
B - Black/African American
AF - African
H - Hispanic/Latinx
NA - Native American/American Indian/Indigenous
ME - Middle Eastern/North African
W - White/European American
M - Multiracial
O - Other
Submitted by:
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: